Why is Matcha so Healthy?
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Zalina`s Healthy Recipes
Vegan Sweet Potato Nut Bread How to Prepare It: Serving: 8 persons Total Time: 35 Min INGREDIENTS 30g Dark cooking chocolate 30g Coconut Oil/Paste 1 Large Sweet Potato (grated) 4 Large Dates (chopped) 50g Hemp Seeds 25g Amaranth 100g Ground Almond 15g Hemp Protein 1/4 Tsp Nutmeg 25g Pumpkin Seeds 1 Tbsp Goji Berries 1 cup water or almond milk […] Vegan Tofu Curry Medley Interested in learning how to become healthier, stronger and happier? Want to choose the best foods, exercises, and lifestyle rituals to benefit your unique archetype (mind-body)? Sign up for one of my health and wellness...